

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rudd’s Australia 2010: Jihad in the Car Park?


Australia's shopping centres are full of these type of obnoxious foul mouthed violent people of “middle eastern appearance”aka. Sociopaths Inc.I don’t enter them often, but whenever I, do I seem to run into these arse clowns way or other.

They can be found wearing security uniforms at our International Airports, Shopping Malls, Cinema Complexes and Sporting Venues.
In Sydney's Occupied Territories,south western Sydney, young Australian girls seeking assistance from harassment by "Middle Eastern Youths" at Malls and Cinema Complexes have reported been ignored and laughed at abused by

Security Guards of "Middle Eastern appearance" who are able to converse in the same foreign tongue as their assailants and tormenters.

Who finances this Australian National Car Parks and who selects their staff ? and why do companies like Coles use them to alienate and annoy and FINE their customers for parking in their car parks ?

Is it because the Avatar wannabees and Crystal gazers that control the local council’s, Green Loons and Labor Party underlings are charging the shopping centres a parking levy so as to encourage shoppers to leave their cars at home and risk their lives on state Labor’s public transport system?

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