

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rudd’s Australia 2010 Labor’s much loved Multiculturalism gate crashes the Australian Open


Croatian mob mars first day of Australian Open tennis

Kelly Ryan
Herald Sun
January 18, 2010

AN UNRULY mob of Croatian fans set a sinister tone on the first day of the 2010 Australian Open.

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About 60 aggressive and chanting supporters in Croatia's chequered colours lit flares and made offensive and threatening gestures as they marched en masse to Melbourne Park, scattering other shocked spectators in their way.

In a display that left onlookers disgusted, Herald Sun photographer Craig Borrow was spat on and punched as he photographed the chanting mob.

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This is the Crap the Australian Labor Party and their various leftists front organizations in the Social Welfare industries, Unions and social justice networks,demand Australians accept and embrace 

Security staff were waiting at the front gates to search them for contraband amid strict new measures for the tennis.

But some of the fans tried to dodge security by running up the stairs while others buried themselves in their their hoodies to hide their faces as they arrived.

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It was an disappointing start to the two-week tournament for organisers after the feel-good flavour of Sunday's charity exhibition match to raise money for victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

The behaviour of some fans - before the first ball had been hit - was a disturbing signal that more of the racial tensions and trouble that have marred the international grand slam event in recent years could be on the cards.

Last year, opposing Bosnian and Serbian fans sent chairs hurtling during a sudden fracas in front of stunned families enjoying the sunshine in Garden Square last year.

Tennis Australia has put fans on notice that they will be expelled from Melbourne Park if they play up, and have separated families and partygoers at the centre.

Officials have previously vowed that tennis fans previously banned from the Australian Open won't make it through the gates, as police increase their efforts to stop violence and anti-social behaviour.

Police numbers have been increased and CCTV camera zones expanded.

Supt John Cooke said late last week he was confident there would be no repetition of violent brawls that had marred the tournament in previous years.

"A number of people have been banned for the 24-hour period in the last couple of years, and those people certainly aren't welcome," Supt Cook said.

"We will have police inside and outside the venue throughout the event, supporting security," he said.

New powers are also available to police to deal with anti-social behaviour by fining people who are drunk or disorderly.

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