

Monday, January 25, 2010

Rudd’s Australian of the Year, another Barking Dog MAD LOON!!!! “Australian of the Year” demands freedom for illegal entrants

Free asylum seekers: Demands Rudd’s “Australian of the Year”

Daily Telegraph
January 25, 2010 8:54PM
THE new Australian of the Year has waded straight into controversy, describing detention centres for asylum seekers as "factories for producing mental illness''.

Mental health expert Patrick McGorry was named Australian of the Year by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at a ceremony outside Parliament House this evening.

On the eve of Australia Day, Prof McGorry called for asylum seekers to be allowed to live in the community, instead of being sent to detention facilities on Christmas Island.

"Detention centres were, you could almost describe them as factories for producing mental illness and mental disorder,'' the youth psychiatrist from Victoria told reporters after receiving the award.

The other award recipients were less controversial.

Popular TV chef Maggie Beer was clearly delighted to win Senior Australian of the Year.

Trooper Mark Donaldson, who won the Victoria Cross for rescuing a colleague in Afghanistan, was named Young Australian of the Year.

And the Local Hero went to Ronni Kahn, who funnels spare food from restaurants to the needy.

In the past, the Australian of the Year has often gone to famous - and apolitical - faces like singer John Farnham and cricketer Steve Waugh.

But Prof McGorry, who won the award for his work in advocating for early intervention for young people with mental health problems, vowed to take on the Rudd Government.

He criticised the policy of mandatory detention of asylum seekers on Christmas Island.

The Rudd Government has softened the policy of the previous Liberal government, but mandatory detention remains in place.

Asylum seekers had major mental health issues and mandatory detention made matters worse, Prof McGorry said.

This arse clown is awarded the Labor Party “Australian of the Year” title, yet a man who has laid his life on the line fighting to protect Australians from those who at every opportunity enunciate their hatred for everything Australia and the Judeo Christian west stand for is called a “Young Australian of the Year”

This “Young Australian of the Year”was awarded the HIGHEST MILITARY HONOUR that can be bestowed upon any of Australia’s brave servicemen or women,in the Commonwealth, yet he is, in the eyes of “Rudd’s Australia” a second place recipient.

Is mental illness contagious? clearly the good Professor Mc Gorry has maybe spent too much time around those he values most.

Who came SECOND in Rudd’s Australia ?

“Australia's first Victoria Cross recipient in 40 years has been named as Young Australian of the Year.


Australian PM Kevin Rudd aka. Lu Kewan.(l) Seen here with the “YOUNG” SAS Trooper Mark Donaldson (c) and Rudd Government United Nations,lobbyist,apologist,advocate and Rudd family “inner circle family friend” Australian Governor General and “Glass Ceiling” activist Mrs / Ms. Q Bryce (r)

SAS Trooper Mark Donaldson was awarded Australia's highest military honour in 2009 for drawing enemy fire to himself when Taliban insurgents ambushed a combined Australian-US-Afghan convoy in September 2008.

The Young Australian of the Year award recognises how the  30-year-old West Australian enabled wounded soldiers to be moved to safety, before running 80 metres across exposed ground to rescue and carry a wounded Afghan interpreter to safety.”

``His bravery in the face of great danger saved lives and won him the highest respect,'' the National Australia Day Council said.”

Who came first ? a supporter of open borders ? A supporter of  allowing illegal immigrants to enter Australia without ANY investigation into their “Story”?

SAS Trooper Mark Donaldson was prepared to DIE for Australia and it’s security, Prof McGorry, is prepared for other Australian’s to die if necessary for HIS, Rudd’s and their co Religionists /ideologists belief’s of “open borders”.

So this sack of SHIT is Rudd’s Australian of the Year?

Well to be fair he does represent all that Rudd/ Lu Kewan and his Government  stands for, I guess Australia has got what it voted for,”Prof “Dodson 09 and Prof McGorry  2010…. Hey it can only get BETTER.

ps. Should not Rudd’s Open borders advocate be the “Islamist colonizer apologists of the Year” award recipient? What’s AUSTRALIAN about this clown? Ok Ok I can see there is plenty “Labor” about  / in him,but where is the “Australian” in his utterances?

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