

Saturday, January 09, 2010

UK Freezes as Anthropogenic “Global Warming” ooops sorry “Climate Change” aka. The Weather takes hold.


Supplies reach dangerous levels, businesses struggle in arctic UK weather

Daily Telegraph
January 08, 2010 11:26PM

The UK's big freeze has stopped services such as these river canal boats Source: Getty Images

WITH temperatures in the some parts of UK only marginally higher than those at the South Pole, many businesses have had their gas turned off and their daily operations severely disrupted.

UK energy operator the National Grid began rationing gas yeserday in central and northwest England.

By today, nearly 100 businesses had been cut off entirely.

Demand for natural gas has been 28 per cent higher than usual and is projected to increase for the duration of the chill.

National meteorologists predicted yesterday there would be at least another 10 days of freezing temperatures across the country.

Gas suppliers said that while demand is exceptionally high, reserves allotted to private citizens are not in danger of running out.

Residents of the Welsh capital Cardiff went several hours without water today after the city's water supply froze and could not be accessed until it thawed.

Dairy farmers were forced to throw away dozens of tons of milk when the frozen liquid became too heavy to deliver, which limited supermarket supplies at a time when citizens were stocking up on essentials.

The government and Britain's largest salt mine began drawing up rationing strategies as the country's salt supply became dangerously low, causing local government concern about how to keep roads clear.

One local council said today it only had enough salt for one more round of road clearing.

Hundreds of flights were cancelled over the course of the week and many train lines were severely delayed, if operating at all.

Stand easy good citizens of England for their is a remedy for this cold weather,it’s called a TAX, a TAX on everything you do (and perhaps say or think) This TAX is called an Emissions Trading Tax in Australia, a Tax that will ensure your Socialist Green masters will be able to decide what the temperature will be in the year 2050……… Fuc***g Good Ay… ?

In Australia this TAX will only add another three to four thousand dollars a year to the out goings of the average Australian family.

The TAX will be donated to China, India, Venezuala ,Russia, Zimbabwe, South America and various Middle Eastern and African dictatorships,this will then enable these counties to control the temperature of the Earth.


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