

Monday, April 26, 2010

Another of Allah’s “Brave Warrior’s” kicks the Crap out of his wife into submission… Satan must be so proud.


Accused wife-kicker's nappy fury

The Daily Telegraph
April 26, 2010

A MAN kicked his wife as she cowered on the floor of a kebab shop because she left the house "too late at night" to buy nappies, a court heard yesterday.

Hassan Ibrahim, 31, was arrested by an off-duty police officer who allegedly saw him land two kicks to his wife's stomach as she lay in the Auburn shop on Saturday night. Parramatta Bail Court was told yesterday the alleged assault was a breach of an AVO imposed on the forklift driver for his wife's protection last June.

Police statements tendered at Ibrahim's bail hearing said his wife of four years told him she was going to Woolworths to buy nappies for their baby after he got home from work about 9pm. Ibrahim allegedly told her she wasn't allowed to go out as "it was too late", the court was told.

However, the court was told she left the child in the lounge while he was in the toilet and left.

The frightened woman sought refuge in a kebab shop, the court heard, after Ibrahim found her.

He was given bail but must stay at another address and will appear in Bankstown court on Thursday.

Why was this piece of Shit not bashed to within an inch of his life then REFUSED Bail?


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