

Monday, April 12, 2010

Family of Yemeni Paedophile victim demand allah’s law


Read the shocking disgusting details of these sick F*c*s and their perverted Religion of Peace

Husband of dead Yemeni child bride should die: family

April 12, 2010

12 4 2010 Husband of dead Yemeni child bride should die family

The family of a 13-year-old Yemeni girl who died after being sexually violated by her husband a few days into her arranged marriage is demanding his execution.

Ilham al-Ashi died on Friday, five days after marrying Abed al-Hekmi, 24, in a case that has again brought into sharp focus the plight of Yemen's so-called "brides of death".

The medical report from the main hospital in the Hajja province, north of the capital, said she suffered a deep rupture in the genitals.

"I demand the implementation of Allah's law. I demand punishment," the mother of the girl, Nejma al-Ashi, said, referring to execution, which is the penalty for murder in the Muslim country.

In the hut village of Al-Asha, about 200km northwest of the capital, Sana'a, the mother said her daughter had been "fine and full of health" when she got married.

The husband's family in a neighbouring village told her a few days after the wedding that her daughter "was sick, suffering malaria, and that the spirits have possessed her in the wedding".

"I responded: Have fear for God. My daughter has no problems," she added.

But her daughter, the latest victim of the widespread custom of under-age marriage in the tribe-structured society, had been in trouble for days, according to medical staff who had seen her earlier in the week.

An Uzbek gynaecologist at a medical clinic, Zahra Makyayeva, said she saw Ashi on the second day of her marriage, after her husband brought her in asking to "tear her hymen" - proving they had not consummated their marriage.

The doctor said she refused because "it was forbidden" and advised the husband to go to a government hospital, pointing out that the girl, who was too shy to allow the doctor to check her, appeared frail.

But instead of going to a hospital, Hekmi stopped at the clinic's pharmacy asking for sleeping pills or tranquilisers, but when he failed to obtain such pills, he asked for a sexual performance enhancer, which he got.

"We realised he wanted to drug the girl," said Sheikh Ali al-Huda, the owner of the clinic.

Three days later, Hekmi took his wife back to the clinic, where she was diagnosed with urine retention and found to have vaginal injuries and infection, according to nurse Fathiya Haidar.

"We gave her medication and she left. The morning after we heard she died," she said.

The brother of the girl, Abdullah, who had married the sister of Hekmi on the same day as part of the traditional custom of Sheghar, or swap marriage, accused his brother-in-law and his family of killing his sister.

"They have killed her: her husband and his family. They tied down my sister and killed her," he said.

Hekmi remains in custody and, according to a police report, has admitted forcing himself onto his wife when she refused to have sex with him.

Yemeni Paedophile rapes and kills 13 year old wife
Pious Islam: Islamic Boy Love
Islamic Sociopaths Inc. 95,000 descendants of the most infamous Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader known as Mohammed are sueing ten news papers for publishing pictures of their beloved Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader.

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