

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

France stands Tall


France set to ban full Islamic veil

Daily Telegraph

April 21, 2010

FRANCE is drawing up a law to ban the full-face Islamic veil from all public spaces, despite a warning from experts that it could face a legal challenge.


Government spokesman Luc Chatel said the bill would be presented to ministers next month and would go beyond a mere ban on women wearing the niqab and the burqa while dealing with French officials.

"We're legislating for the future. Wearing a full veil is a sign of a community closing in on itself and a rejection of our values," he said.

Last month, the State Council - France's top administrative authority - warned President Nicolas Sarkozy against a full ban on the veil, suggesting instead an order that women uncover their faces for identity checks or for state business.

But there remains broad support in parliament for a full ban and the Government is determined to press on with legislation, which it says would affect only around 2000 Muslim French women who cover their faces.


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