

Monday, April 12, 2010

HMAS Childers finally a chance to speak the truth.


This incident by Lu Kewen aka.Kevin Rudd and his Australian Labor Party and their financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, preferred immigrants,successful criminal enterprise to enter Australia via invasion,has seen the crew of HMAS Childers slandered and ridiculed by the usual suspects aka. the Australian Labor Party and their left wing supporters, for causing / not doing enough / to prevent the incident or just for being there in their way as they executed their criminal act.

The fact that these Afghani criminals attempted to murder Australian Naval servicemen and women is of no concern for Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 and his Beijing,Main stream media, ACTU sponsored regime,in fact Lu Kewen granted these criminals visas in exchange for their attempted murder of the crew of the HMAS Childers and the Murder of five of their fellow co conspirators / invaders.

Lu Kewen’s “Getting the balance right”

Full marks to the crew at 60 Minutes Australia for exposing the TRUTH.

The Afghani criminals who attempted to murder the crew members of HMAS Childers and succeeded in murdering five of their fellow conspiritors are still at large in Australia,the Rudd Government granted them visas immediately following their murderous acts,their whereabouts are unknown.

Boat blast report triggers call to revoke visas

March 18, 2010

THE opposition has seized on a coroner's findings to accuse the government of acting irresponsibly by giving visas to Afghan refugees blamed for a deadly boat blast last year.

The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, is under pressure to revoke the protection visas handed to three Afghans accused of plotting the April 16 blast on the boat known as SIEV 36. The men received the visas before an inquiry into the blast was complete.

Yesterday the Northern Territory Coroner, Greg Cavanagh, named three men as being part of a plan to cripple the boat and start a fire so that they could not be forced to return to Indonesia.

He found that Arman Ali Brahimi, Ghulam Mohammadi and Sabzali Salman had, with others, collaborated to lie to him about the explosion that killed five Afghan men and endangered Defence personnel who had boarded the boat.

The Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, demanded to know who had decided to grant the men visas and challenged Mr Rudd to cancel them. ''My question is to the Prime Minister. It is simple, it is clear and it should not require him to read any briefing notes … Will he now revoke the visas of those three individuals who were found by the Northern Territory coroner to be involved in a plan to set fire to the vessel?''

Under taunts of being soft on criminals, Mr Rudd said the coroner's report had been forwarded to the Northern Territory police, who would decide whether charges would be laid.

''I am advised by the Immigration Minister that that decision [to grant visas] was made independently by his department through a careful and rigorous assessment of the merits of each individual case,'' Mr Rudd said.

But the opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, said the Immigration Minister could decide to deport the men on character grounds now.

''This is a government where ministers and the Prime Minister are more interested in protecting themselves from accountability than they are in making decisions and taking responsibility,'' he said.

Mr Cavanagh found the asylum seekers colluded to lie about the explosion on the boat, near Ashmore Reef. He said most of the asylum seekers had known of the plan to cripple the boat, despite their denials.

"Because they have all told similar lies, I can only conclude that they have all to some extent colluded with each other and decided as a group to lie to this inquest," Mr Cavanagh said.

Mr Cavanagh said one or more asylum seekers deliberately ignited petrol which had been spilt into the bilge, causing an almost instantaneous explosion.

The Immigration Minister, Chris Evans, said he was ''disturbed'' by the findings but would await the findings of any criminal proceedings before making a decision on deportation. Northern Territory police had supported his department's decision to give visas to all survivors of the boat blast, he said.

The Coroner also found the explosion could have been avoided if Defence personnel had properly searched the boat for petrol and confiscated cigarette lighters and matches from those on board.

The explosion would probably have been avoided if Defence had not served an "inappropriate" warning notice on the asylum seekers, telling them to consider returning to Indonesia.

Mr Cavanagh praised the bravery and professionalism of three personnel and said more people might have died but for their actions.

He found Defence members had rescued their colleagues first but he could not criticise that given the circumstances.

There has been NO announcement by the Beijing sponsored Lu Kewen,aka. Kevin 07 Labor Government, regarding the hunting down and arrest of the criminals responsible for the Murder of their five co conspiritors  and the attempted murder of the crew members of the HMAS Childers.

I am however sure that come time to enrol to vote at the upcoming federal election Lu Kewen’s financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions will not have any trouble locating them and all the other criminal entrants they have invited to Australia, I mean after all if you are been fed housed and clothed by the Australian Social Security System for the rest of your and your children’s lives who ya gonna vote for ? the hand that feeds you of course, just take a tour of Sydney’s Occupied Territories any working day and see who it is that does not have to go to work,you wont see any Australians.

Australians should have listened to Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin 07 Labor Party’s celebrity Muslim terrorist apologist, MSmedia darling,and Polygamist groupie Keysar Trad, back in his article published in the 16th issue of Nida'ul Islam magazine (, December - January 1996-97] when he warned Australians …….


The Tradstradwithbrood

“What will a starving person do (they are able to fly via 747 from  Afghanistan / Middle East to Indonesia, however they are starving? ) when he wants food? They will no longer respect these laws which were drafted in a cocoon away from the reality that the land of Australia does not belong to white European man.(Australians) In fact, if the original inhabitants had their way, or if we want to employ Pauline Hanson justice, then white man should pack his bags and leave this country, for your people Pauline, have been the worst of guests!

The criminal dregs (Australians) of white society colonised this country, and now, they only take the select choice of other societies, and the descendants of these criminal dregs tell us that they are better than us. And because we are not elitists, we tolerate them.( great to know that the Australian Labor Party’s new best Muslim friends are able “tolerate” Australians, is that before or after they they illegally enter Australia and go on to Social Security for life ?)  Yet they want us to assimilate, perhaps they will only become satisfied when we each die our hair red, wear blue/green contact lenses, and operate a fish and chips shop, otherwise, we would not be truly assimilating, would we?

Full text here 


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