

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Afghanistani “Polyanna” gets reality check after going “home”




Australia’s useful idiots support Burqa,Islamic insurgent to be deported

Ban the Burqa

Apologies for throwing a spanner into the Islamic victim hood narrative here, but neither "Islam" or "Muslim" are races of people. Islam is a belief system and its followers are called Muslims (amongst many other things)
This is a simple security issue,trying to protect terrorists by elevating their political and "religious" beliefs to a "race" of people has worked so far and has enabled these self declared Islamic / Muslim Killers/Terrorists/ "man made disaster makers" to get away with anything they choose in the knowledge that they have an army of apologist and spin doctors in the Multicultural Industry, salivating over the opportunity to defend their vile actions and intent.

Belgium the Brave

Australia:Fred Nile calls for Burqa Ban.

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