

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Australia Burqa Ban: Rev. Fred Nile “Walks the Walk” through Sydney’s Occupied Terrortories.

Rev. Fred Nile visits Sydney’s Occupied Terrortories.
29 6 2010 Fred Nile
One Peace Loving Muslim (l) discusses the benefits of Hand and Limb Amputation
whilst another raises the Muslim “Fist of Friendship” (could have been a sword) and declares,
“The Islamic Democratic Party of Australia is coming…..” I think there is an Oxymoron in there somewhere.
Multiculturalism Vile and Obscene one Day,Vile and even more Obscene the Next.
Thanks to Australia’s Progressives for their gift of Multiculturalism to Australia.Multiculturalism is as rancid as a bag of Rotting Fish heads hidden in the door lining of your car by some idiot friend playing a joke on you , unlike Multiculturalism the Fish Heads will eventually rot away and you have some chance of getting you car back to normal,Multiculturalism works on a process of becoming so unbearable that you and your family simply walk away from your car, home, neighborhood for any price you can get for it, leaving the Multiculturalists to continue their Colonization by stealth agenda.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I'm a non-white Australian and even I say enough is enough with the current push by the progressives for Multiculturalism. Time and again, uncontrolled immigration has negatively impacted communities all around the world but yet, Leftists and progressives, whom I truly believe to be evil, keep aggressively pushing this agenda upon us. The Labor party, especially the Rudd led one, has noticeably stepped up the Multiculturalism propaganda. It is this reason that I find myself saying something that I never thought I would say, the John Howard days weren't so bad.

    As good people, we of course must help those that are truly in need of assistance but that does not mean we should take disproportionate numbers in especially when we can't even look after our own here. The sensible thing in the very least, is to have strict screening and guidelines for who is alloThere are other ways to lend a hand. I always say, I feel sorry for the homeless and the less fortunate but that doesn't mean I will or should invite them into my house. They will bring baggage with them and disrupt the order of the house. However, I can assist them in other ways by way of donations or similar.

    I applaud what Rev. Fred Nile is trying to achieve and I admire his courage and commitment to it. He is truly a good nationalist and citizen.

    "Thanks to Australia’s Progressives for their gift of Multiculturalism to Australia.Multiculturalism is as rancid as a bag of Rotting Fish heads hidden in the door lining of your car by some idiot friend playing a joke on you , unlike Multiculturalism the Fish Heads will eventually rot away and you have some chance of getting you car back to normal,Multiculturalism works on a process of becoming so unbearable that you and your family simply walk away from your car, home, neighborhood for any price you can get for it, leaving the Multiculturalists to continue their Colonization by stealth agenda." -Well said my friend:)

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