

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Islamic Sociopaths invoke Islamic “Death Chant” or “Call to Kill” Allahu Akbar, as LA PD forced to draw batons to defend lone Jewish youth outside Israeli consulate.


The Islamic Sociopaths,and their useful leftists idiots, are shown for what they are in this video,blood lusting savages,committed to the destruction of ANYONE who does not subscribe to their Satanic inspired cult ,their lust for killing and mayhem is uncontrollable, even under the watchful eye of LA PD’s finest, who deserve a full round of applause for ensuring that this brave Jewish Youth was not murdered by these Godless savages.

I love the highly informed Arse Clown at the end who explains why the “Joos” are doing what they are doing to the Palestinians,listen carefully to this Muslim Einstein’s pearls of wisdom, just like the majority of Muslims and Leftists,PIG IGNORANT.

Video from CiF Watch via Atlas Shrugs


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