

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Update on Rudd’s Australia:Muslim Hag in a Bag ,Carnita Matthews, caught out Lying big time on camera.


This lying hag swore under oath,that a member of the New South Wales Police Force assaulted her, “disrespected her” what is there to respect ? video and audio evidence proved she lied, now the NSW Attorney General is duty bound to prosecute her for making a FALSE declaration under Oath, however, we know that will not happen, note the comment from the head of the taxpayer funded Multicultural Industry,Stepan Kerkyasharian, where he alludes to “sensitivity”and the calling for “a Female Police Officer”

The NSW Government has run a mile from this disgraceful act by this lying Bitch,just as well there was an in car video camera running the whole time this Officer was executing his lawful duty, no doubt he will still be posted to some shit hole Police station sooner than later just to make sure he does not pull over any more Hags in Bags driving motor vehicles.

Latest update on this story here 11 6 2010

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I guess she can lie in her religion that means so much to her LOL
