

Friday, July 09, 2010

Australia: Alan Jones and Melanie Phillips on the rise of Islam


“Australians are very angry”


  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Alan should not have got hot under the collar on account of the HT spokesman's denigration of the concept of 'moderate Islam' as being an invention of the west. For that is the truth as evidenced by declarations to this effect by Mahathir Mohamad, former PM of Malaysia and by Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I'm not sure whether most Muslims actually want or even intend to assimilate but there comes a point where the intolerable "cultural differences" that they bring with them that they have allowed to manifest into our society needs to be stopped. There is no denying the undesirable atmosphere of a suburb with a large contingency of Muslim Arabs as opposed to that of any other race. There are areas that average Australians prefer to avoid such as the Auburn area and Lakemba. People don't have the same attitude towards going to suburbs with say, large populations of Asians which is in stark contrast.

    I can't tell you how many times I've heard stories of how disrespectful and selfish Arabs can be in our communities. One such story that I always hear is how they blatantly disregard others on the road. I've seen them literally stop in the middle of the road to casually chat to their buddies while holding up traffic...completely and utterly selfish people they are. My mother regularly encounters this behavior and it also infuriates her. I also remember walking across a crossing and an Arab driver who stopped to wait for us to pass started to rudely gesture for us to hurry up. We were actually walking at a fast pace which is what had me so angry.

    Anyway, good on Alan Jones for having the balls to speak the TRUTH and shun the Political Correctness curse. We're not, and he's not, RACIST. We're just fed up citizens waking up to the truth that has been hidden from us by our corrupt politicians.

  3. Dear Anon 2,
    Thank you for taking the time to post a comment to ANV.
    I cannot disagree with anything you have said and I thank you for taking the time to voice your opposition to the Islamic Manifesto.

    Please accept my invitation to do so again on this, or any other issue you wish to enunciate you views.

    Yours faithfully,

  4. UbibBUSHwhacked8:35 PM

    I suggest we all encourage Alan to revisit this issue regularly or people will just forget about it and go back to complacency.

    I wrote the following to him...

    Comments received: God bless you Alan! I admit it I have watched controversy come and go around your show, etc. I just saw a link @...
    to your radio show on Alan Jones and Melanie Phillips on the rise of Islam".

    You have no idea how refreshing it was to hear a radio host that will talk about what needs to be talked about in this country. And I'm originally from California. Australia and the world for that matter, is at a time for the unthinkable. How do we outlaw a movement that is NOT just a cultural, or religious issue, but also a political way of thought that is opposite to our Democratic system of fairness to all. This is something ALL need to begin talking about. No one should be burying their heads in the sand on this one.

    PLEASE... Do not stop talking on this issue. You need to wake not only Australians, but our politicians. Our laws will need to reflect this unique occurrence in modern history. As you sound as concerned as I have been for some time now for Australia, my adopted home an 4yr old daughter's native land now, you need to not let this rest until the peoples and government officials of this great land, realized what is at stake. I fear for Australia.


    I will pray for you.

  5. Dear UbibBUSHwhacked,
    Many thanks for your kind words and good on you for taking the time to write Alan Jones and support his efforts to inform Australians of our impeding doom.

    Good onya Mate and welcome to the Land Down Under.
    Pleas comment again to ANV, don't be a stranger.
