

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Australia: MSM Rejoices !!!! Tony Abbott Booed


Hey Hey crowd boos Tony Abbott

Tory Shepherd
The Daily Telegraph
July 21, 2010

TONY Abbott did not get the most friendly welcome on the set of Hey Hey It's Saturday tonight  begging the question whether Prime Minister Julia Gillard made the right choice by declining to join him.

Copy of 21 7 2010 Hey Hey crowd boos Tony Abbott

With a guitar riff and a cheesy intro by Daryl Somers, on walked ... Red Symons, to a chorus of boos, Kylie Minogue to a rousing welcome, Entourage's Rex Lee ... and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

Mr Somers said Prime Minister Julia Gillard had "gracefully declined" to join Mr Abbott on the set.

Mr Abbott was greeted with some applause but a majority of desultory jeers, and faced some random shouting from the audience during the show. He certainly did not look threatened by the homosexual Mr Lee sitting next to him.

Somers commended his campaigning stamina and asked whether he had further commitments. Mr Abbott said no, "no karaoke or anything like that".

The first act was some sort of awful inbred yokel performance, a woman who didn't last long before the gong was sounded.

"I quite like the Julia Gillard accent,” Mr Abbott said, giving her a score of 5.

Then there was a dear old guy doing stand-up who lasted a bit longer.

He asked Kylie to say hi to his grandkids and Kylie obliged.

“Well, he’s funnier than I am but I’m not sure he can keep up on the bike, but well done, it’s a great effort,” Mr Abbott said, and gave him a 6. Mr Lee gave him 7 for being “funnier than Tony Abbott”.

Act three was a man and a dog, or rather two – the dogs were cute, the man annoying. Kylie held her ears as the gong went.

“Look, I love animals,” said Mr Abbott, holding up a score of seven. Kylie was, again, more generous.

Next, and finally, some precocious youngsters rocked the house with Wild Thing and fine style and got the whole audience on board. Kylie laughed, Mr Abbot clapped.

Yokel Loretta something-or-other with the Gillard-esque voice won in the end.

Overall, Mr Abbott kept smiling with good cheer throughout, delivered some good one-liners, and at least he’s got the guts to do something a bit more … interesting.

It was hardly a spontaneous show of civil unrest or hatred against Tony Abbott by Hey Hey’s audience, in fact I thought it was representative of the type of results the Telegraph and the Australian, Channels 9 10 7 and Sky news are getting on their online and TV Polls minimum of 65 + % in FAVOUR of Abbott over Gillard in every poll since  the Australian Council of Trade Unions appointed Gillard to the office of PM of Australia.

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