

Monday, July 05, 2010

Australia:Lying “Hag in a Bag” Carnita Matthews to face charge of “… making a false statement to police”


Woman's statement false:Police
July 5, 2010, 7:55 pm

A Muslim woman who reportedly accused a Sydney police officer of racism has been charged with making a false statement.

The 43-year-old woman was stopped by police while driving a Honda Odyssey in Sydney's west, for a random breath test on June 7.

At the same time she was given an infringement notice for incorrectly displaying her P plates.

The woman told a television news station the police officer who pulled her over tried to remove her head dress, which conceals her entire face except for her eyes.

News Limited reported the police officer in question was attempting to identify the woman after observing her driver's licence.

The woman made numerous other complaints against him to Campbelltown police, which were documented in a sworn statutory declaration on June 10.

On Monday, police charged the woman at her Woodbine home, near Campbelltown, with making a false statement to police.
She will appear at Campbelltown Local Court on August 18.

See video reports at:

Update on Rudd’s Australia:Muslim Hag in a Bag ,Carnita Matthews, caught out Lying big time on camera.



  1. Anonymous9:03 PM took them long enough. They should have been all over this Muslim garbage. They get away with stuff like this all the time in Australia and around the world because they are persistent pests. They also know the West is a bureaucratic cesspool that appeases Islam so they will keep chipping away until they reach their goal.

  2. " took them long enough."
    It sure did, the state government did all it could to avoid doing anything about this disgraceful Muslim and her false allegations against one of Sydney's finest.

    The State Labor Govt. and their Union financiers were hoping we would all forget at it would just go away, the Jason Morrison radio show on Sydney's 2gb was on it like a Dog on a bone, thankfully and in the end the Police Minister had to do something.
    Now wait and see what the penalty is and if the magistrate has any balls he or she will insist that she remove her disguise whilst in the dock.
    Thanks for your comment please do so again.
