

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Australia's Gold Coast invaded by Muslim Tourists

Whilst Susie Douglas is getting all excited about Muslim Tourists invading the Gold Coast New Yorkers are trying desperately to put the tooth paste back in the tube.

SIOA Honor Killing Taxi Ads Hit New York City

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Damn it, why is it that everyday it seems Australia is willingly transforming itself into a Middle Eastern nation?? I know that more and more Asians are migrating here which is evident every time you venture into the city, be it Sydney or Melbourne but it's Middle Easterners that immediately initiate unwanted and unfair changes such as their hideous Arabic alphabet/lettering, halal meat as a requirement in certain shops and of course, their Muslim dress that we must tolerate even though this is the house of Australia not of the Middle East. It frustrates me to see head scarfs and burqas as this is Australia. Even the majority of Indonesians don't choose to wear the traditional Muslim attire here, just those from the damn Middle East. I won't get started with their disregard for our society with their rudeness and high rates of crime. I work next door to a Law firm and guess what? A large majority of their clients are, yup you guessed it, Middle Easterners. The other day I overheard the Lawyer complaining that the Lebanese boys don't learn after committing their first or second robberies...big surprise. I talk to Aussies of all races i.e. Asian, Greek, Italian, Anglos etc. and once I break down their fears they openly express their dislike and intolerance for the Middle Eastern community. This is consistent among the vast majority of Aussies I talk to or come across but yet here we are still appeasing these Neanderthals. To the very few Middle Easterners that are decent like the majority of us, they have my sympathies. Unfortunately, the majority are just very unlikeable as people including so-called moderate Muslims and the Christian variety.
