

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Creeping Sharia , England Kneeling to the Lowest of the Low

English council bans staff from wearing mini-skirts

Daily Telegraph
July 31, 2010 1:54AM

A COUNCIL has warned female employees they could be sent home if their skirts are too short.

A memo sent by bosses at Southampton City Council, in southern England, has instructed the council's 400 staff to dress appropriately for work, The Daily Mail reports.

Social workers, youth workers and other employees in the council's children's services department were told to "carefully consider their work attire".

Women were advised to wear trousers or skirts of "reasonable length" - "not mini-skirts".

The leaked email said that council bosses would in the coming weeks "be speaking to staff about the clothes they wear to work.

It adds: "Please try to dress smartly and thoughtfully, in line with other professionals you come across in your day-to-day work, and in a way that shows respect to children and families."

Staff are said to be outraged by the email. The council's union secretary Mike Tucker told The Dail Mail: "I would have thought the council has got better things to do than impose a regimented approach to what people wear."

Yes I know there is no mention of Sharia or Islam in this story, no mention of who is offended by the chosen dress code of English women employed in the UK Public Service.
Now lets see, Is it the Irish, the Scottish , the UK Catholic's, the UK Protestants, perhaps its the Welsh who are offended by the wearing of mini skirts by Female Public / Social Security staff, yes I guess these formentioned groups have been simmering away now for 60years or so, resenting 24/7 the attire of the female staff that delivered into their social security account their FREE RIDE.

Ok Ok lets get real here, we all know who is responsible for this demand of a Dress Restriction to be imposed upon those who are employed to hand out various Tax Payer funded Christian CHARITY to those who choose not to work,

Dare I say it? MUSLIM PARASITES ..... There ya go I said IT  why wont YOU ?

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