

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Islamification & Socialization of Australia


PA child: Fatah Conference taught me to be a combatant and fight Israel

Ahmad Abd Al-Wahab:
"I came here following the conference elections. I hope that there will be more conferences like the 6th Fatah Conference (August 2009). These conferences are important for us because it makes us aware of leadership and that we will be combatants and wage resistance (violence) against the Israelis." PMW

Madame Julia’s Progress Australia “looking forward” EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims

Australian Based Muslim Colonialists “furious with Australian Media” for reporting their Criminal and Terrorist activities.
The Brilliant Daniel Greenfield “for people to wake up and fight for their rights, they must first know who they are, so that they will believe that their rights are worth fighting for.”

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