

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Reply to Mr “Anonymous” Updated


Reply to Mr. “Anonymous” comment to  my post  Australia: SAS Trooper Jared Brown

 "My brother in law who is a psychiatrist..."

Well I bet that saves you a lot of money, does he give you a family discount ? He Damn well better!!!! 
Mr. "Anonymous" you sound very much like another Sociopath that writes to me from time to time.
I assume your brother in-law has you medicated.

I note that you, Mr. "Anonymous", also share the other Sociopaths rather unhealthy preoccupation with Paedophilia, has your brother in law been able to assist you with that  aspect of your condition?

Experts the world over have concluded that Paedophilia is untreatable and has an almost 100% recidivism rate, but you already know that don't you Mr. "Anonymous"? your demons are not kind to you,and even less kind to your victims. 
The other Sociopath once said to me "I can see where you come from now, difference is I am on the inside and you are on the outside. It will catch up with you,Bank on it Sunshine " Is that where you are Mr.. "Anonymous" "on the inside " ? a jail or Lunatic Asylum? perhaps chained to a gate somewhere barking obscenities at passersby chanting the Labor Party’s Communist Manifesto backwards in random order ? is that where you are Mr. “Anonymous” ?

The other Sociopath, also exhibits what the Progressives and the Left describe as Homophobia, (trust the Progressives for inventing a word like that to proscribe a "condition" to people who find the practice of a man shoving his dick up another man's arse hole repulsive) he too is constantly referring to male homosexual acts, with a clear preference for oral sex in his  correspondence with me on my YouTube site,a very tortured and many would say,very sad character indeed, in fact if I did not know better, I would think that you, Mr. "Anonymous" and the other Sociopath were the same person.

May I remind you of the, most disturbing, and indeed infamous case of Eddy Bennson, Eddy too was a sad,and tragic case, the Science of Psychiatry has still to this day, not been able to purge itself of its collective guilt following the tragedy that was the “Bennson case”, as a matter of interest, you may not be aware that  Bennson's primary treating psychiatrist,Prof.Emile Shaefhousens has still not been located, although he does submit various papers to Universities' around the world.

I once met Shaefhousens in Sydney, I was on a lecture tour, he pestered the organizers for weeks before the event for a just few minutes with us at our table,I have to tell you after he left the consensus was that he, was, well to be quiet blunt about it, crazy as a cut snake, poor Eddy, he and his family were not to know, if only we had of raised a red flag back then instead of.. well, just doing nothing.

I have wondered off the track,anyhow don’t be alarmed simply follow your brother in law’s medication instructions and you should at least be able to stay out of Jail if nothing else THIS time, remember when your “brain hurts” deep breaths,lay down, wherever you are, close eyes and think “Happy” and ask for assistance from whoever is passing by even if you are alone in the middle of the Simpson Desert, well someone is bound to come along sometime.. maybe.

I like to leave my ANV “Special People” commenter’s with a smile on their face, so smile away you big Goofy nut case you!!! can you pick which one you are ? Enjoy!!!

Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline.
If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.
If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2.
If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5, and 6.
If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call.
If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press.
If you are depressed, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer.
If you are delusional and occasionally hallucinate, please be aware that the thing you are holding on the side of your head is alive and about to bite off your ear.

The Other Sociopath? or the same Sociopath?

30 8 2010 Anonymous 2 The wisdom of the enlightened left.

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