

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Salt in the Wound.

Great Music Video protesting the sycophantic Islamic cheer squad led by Hussein Obama and NY Mayor Bloomberg in their promotion of and support for the Ground Zero Mosque.
The filthy blood stained finger print of Islam to be built on what Americans rightfully call hallowed ground.
Demand / Support, the right of return for all Muslims resident in Judeo Christian Western Democracies NOW, to whatever Islamic shit hole they or their parents / grandparents ran away from.
Identification + Internment + Repatriation of Islamists = The West we used to know.
Thanks to Terri & Susan

Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs on Fox Money with some very uncomfortable FACTS.


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    The only way this Islamitisation can be fought Governments educated themselves on political Islam (Sharia law). Then ban it entirely. As governments don’t want to open that can of worms, the only thing society as a whole can do to avoid anarchy in the streets would be to boycott/blacklist contractors building the mosque. Relentlessly hounding them. If another takes up the contract, boycott/blacklist them as well, until all see it as a hot potato. People we are fighting not for freedom of religion but Democracy, which Sharia law devours like cancer to the host. If Islam’s political arm, Sharia law is not severed, and by law banned, AND then enforced, then there can be no hope of a pluralist Islam. But the radical Islamists WILL NOT abate.

    If you love Democracy, there is only one side of this issue to be on. Islamists advocating Sharia law, are the enemy. Learn up or let Democracy die. YOUR CHOICE! Read SON OF HAMAS (former Islamist), The Infidels Guide to the Koran (expert on Islam). Nomad (former Islamist). If you won’t listen to those who KNOW Islam, then you are lost. You have become a dhimmi. Subservient to Islamist Sharia law. WESTERN DEMOCRACIES ONLY GET ONE CRACK AT THIS! "Islam concuers through the wombs of their women!" Who, mind you, have no choice in the matter. And Britain is well on it’s way to being lost forever. Ask a Britain.

    The door must be closed on this dark chapter in the world's Democracies.


  2. Dear Anon,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to post such a detailed and thought comment to Aussie News & Views, on the most important issue of our time.

    I concur with everything you said, and invite you to comment here again on this and other issues presented here.

    There was a brilliant ad campaign run a few years back in the US which used a voice over of
    "They simply want to kill us"
    "They" been Muslims "us" been non Muslims.
    I don't know how much simpler it could be said but apparently there a millions of non Muslims on the Left 'usefull idiots" and "progressives"who think that Islams stated objectives are ok by them in some misguided belief that THEY will be granted a pass once their new best friends and Islamic masters realize that they hate Judeo Christian Democracy more than Muslims do, sorry guys but you are the first against the wall, after all, you have done your job and are redundant no longer required, Islam does not need pesky leftist human rights activists and Progressive film makers and Actors running around polluting the Islamic Dictatorship they have planned for the world.
