

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Two more Australians Killed in Afghanistan, Kiddies TV Network Mocks their Deaths with IUD slur

Dead Australian Soldiers Mocked by "Kiddies TV Network" ?
More of the Lefts , the Beautiful People’s sick Jokes?
Leisa Roles,embedded in Afghanistan,it's so good to know some affirmative action embedded reporter is on the job in Afghanistan.
Its obvious Leisa has something on her mind, either her or someone else’s Vagina, it ‘contraception prevention measures as opposed to the Deaths of two Australian Diggers.

The report on TEN News tonight 21 8 2010 was not live it was clearly recorded earlier in the day and edited and indeed passed for BROADCAST by some numb nutted Ten News editor,who for reasons best known to him or her decided to let this appalling gaff go to air, Why? because they did not think it mattered? or the report could be used on their 7 PM Project as one of those goofy Blooper tapes?
What a bunch of undergraduate  arseholes TEN News are, it used to be that Australians expected this type of disrepect and mocking of our finest from the ABC and the Sydney Morning Herald, I urge all "Capitalist Pig" Shareholders to divest themselves of their stock in this "Kiddies TV Network" as a show of their disgust in this leftist progressive "news network" and the dopes that work for them.

I would urge the ADF to immediately revoke her embedded reporter status and root out this silly woman Leisa Roles, from the ADF's embedded reporter  program,who is responsible for this appalling display of disrespect and mocking of Australia's finest.

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