

Monday, September 06, 2010

Australia prepares for WAR with China.

Whilst we were sleeping......and been entertained by Australia’s “three Amigo” “independent” “conservative” recently re elected members of Parliament as they swagger before any and all TV and press cameras, dribbling their latest contrived collective pearls of wisdom, desperately hanging onto their 15 minutes of fame afforded them by a minority of Australian voters who after two and half years of Socialist rule are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
Australia prepares for WAR.
Australia’s armed services and our allies prepare for another "Battle of the Pacific" this time our enemy is China,how difficult will this war be to fight when we have the most Beijing centric government in Australia's history,former Union financed, Labor Party Australian Prime Minister, Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 and indeed his immediate family are up to their ears in all things China, along with many other members of the present Labor government, they have reaped the rewards of been good friends and advocates of the Chinese Communist Party.
How can a Labor government act for two masters ? one been the Australian People the other been their Beijing based ideological soul mates and Labor Party Head Office party officials, the Chinese Communist Party.

Following a Labor Party faction coup d'etat, Lu Kewen, aka. Kevin 07 was deposed some two months ago,following a visit to Australia by the # 2 ranking Chinese Communist Party official.
His deputy, Madame Gillard, was elected unopposed by party  members "in a show of spontaneous support " as they say, by Labor Party members.
Madame Gillard some time later called a federal election which was held on the 21st August, the result of which is still unknown at at 6 9 2010.

A Fabian Socialist,Madame Gillard has formed a coalition with the radical Marxist Communist Green's Party leader Bob Brown, to form a minority government that they hope will convince three alleged conservative “independents” to give Madame Gillard and Comrade Brown government. 

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