

Friday, September 10, 2010

Australia “a scary place” indeed. Enter the Socialist Photo Police

Paul Hogan’s wife,Linda Kozlowski,upon her return to Los Angeles recently without her husband (who was been held without charge in Australia by the Taxation Office) Paul Crocodile Dundee,described Australia as a “scary place”

She is not wrong, Australia, after under three years of Federal Union Financed Labor Socialist Government (ALP) is indeed a “scary place”. The Lunatics are now in charge of the Union Financed Socialist Labor Party Government, so much so that Australians and indeed Tourists must pay to take photographs and video footage of Australian icons and landscapes.

The precedent for this outrage was set back in the eighties when the Hawke Labor Government gave its blessing to the Aboriginal community of Ayres Rock to charge visitors who used tripods on their camera’s to take pictures of Ayres Rock from a distance of one mile away.The reason given then was because of “cultural sensitivities” now in 2010 the same people are demanding that no one, other than Aboriginals be allowed to climb Ayres Rock, in the name of “cultural sensitivity”

What about the Labor Socialist Australian Government just come clean and advise tourists that Ayres Rock is SHUT due to “cultural sensitivities” and that better they just search the internet for a picture of it and save themselves the expense of travelling half way around the world to pay to photograph it,in fact the entire Nation is shut for business that way the Socialist lefty select few will be left alone to enjoy what they seem to think belongs to them, unhindered by those terrible overseas tourist and non indigenous types that keep messing up the view in what they regard as their out back,their Opera House and any other part of Australia they want to SELL tourists and Australian citizens the right to photograph or video.

Australia is indeed becoming “a scary place” However if you want to come here and defile any part of the Christian Religion or its icons, come on down!!!!! anything goes here but just don’t say anything against Islam the Politicians don’t want to offend their financiers.

Sydney Australia: Blasphemy Capital of the World ? Anything goes so long as its against Christianity and its called ART

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