

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Burn a Koran ? find out why we should.


10 Reasons to Burn a Koran: Islam is the new Nazism
Posted: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 20:26:56 +0000

On 9/11/10 we are burning Korans to raise awareness and warn. In a sense it is neither an act of love nor of hate. We see, as we state in the Ten Reasons below, that Islam is a danger. We are using this act to warn about the teaching and ideology of Islam, which we do hate as it is hateful. We do not hate any people, however. We love, as God loves, all the people in the world and we want them to come to a knowledge of the truth. To warn of danger and harm is a loving act. God is love and truth. If you know the truth it can set you free.


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Thanks to Terri.

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