

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Former Australian PM John Howard stands up for the “Anglosphere”


Islam can only exist as a DISRUPTIVE  minority or as an OPPRESSIVE majority

English-speaking countries should hold on to identities: Howard

Sep 30, 2010

John Howard Australia 101507 WASHINGTON - Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard has attacked "multiculturalism" in English-speaking nations, while urging countries to hold on firmly to their cultural identities in the battle against


Mr Howard said on Tuesday on a visit to Washington that the "Anglosphere" needed to take greater pride in its values and achievements.

"I think one of the errors that some sections of the English-speaking world have made in the last few decades has been to confuse multiracialism and multiculturalism," Mr Howard said at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank.

He pointed in particular to Britain, whose Muslim community came under the spotlight after the 2005 bombings on the London transport system.

He declared that he was "a passionate believer in multiracialism", in which migrants from different cultures of the world adopt the culture of their new country.



"I believe that societies are enriched if they draw ... from all parts of the world on a non-discriminatory basis," he said.

"But when a nation draws people from other parts of the world, it draws them because of the magnetism of its own culture and its own way of life.

"People want to live in the United States not because of some futuristic ideal of multiculturalism but because of what they regard as the American way of life and American values," he said.

Mr Howard also warned that Islamic radicalism posed a real threat and warned against pandering to extremist philosophies in order to win their support.

"There is a tendency to see a response to terrorism in terms of placating alternative philosophies in the hope that they will accommodate you and abandon their aggressive designs on your society," he said.

The "Anglosphere" and other countries should not apologise for their cultur al identities but instead stand up for their beliefs, Mr Howard said. Agencies

Pretty straight forward and logical comments I would have thought… but wait, Howard is like the overwhelming majority of the Earths population NOT a Muslim, so what does Australia’s Muslim Idiot in search of a village in residence say in reply to Howards wise words….

Brad Norington and Lanai Vasek

The Australian
September 30, 2010

Trad  and FAMILY “………………………….Islamic Friendship Association of Australia president Keysar Trad said Mr Howard's comments were racist.

"He should find relevance in the world without picking on minorities," he said. "I think it is really a guilty conscience."

Mr Trad said Mr Howard had a "phobia" about multiculturalism.

"There is no harm of having a different understanding of variety of cultures in a society," he said.

Rachel Bloul, a sociologist who specialises in Muslim migrants in the West at the Australian National University, said Mr Howard's comments were "inappropriate' and "not at all smart".

"Each time when the question of Muslim migrants is taken up by politicians it inflames debate even more than is necessary," Dr Bloul said.

"I'm sure it would create problems in Australia."

And Australia’s very own Fabian Socialist minority Labor / Green Loon / socialist independent coalition appointed federal government PM says

A spokesman for Julia Gillard declined to comment on Mr Howard's speech.

"Mr Howard's comments are a matter for him."

That’s code for I am importing into Australia as many of these cave dwellers as I can, she can hardly agree with Howard can she?

Denmark's Burning

Islam's Man of a Million Comments


31 7 09 Keysar Trad RACISM an Islamic Response



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