

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also Demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming…….. OR ELSE!!!!!!

Climate change campaigners spark fury with video featuring exploding children

Daily Telegraph
October 02, 2010

A CLIMATE change campaign video made by Love Actually writer Richard Curtis sparked fury after it featured children being blown up, the (London) Daily Telegraph reported Saturday.

In the four-minute video a teacher is shown blowing up two schoolchildren with a detonator after they display little interest in a project to cut carbon emissions, the (London) Daily Telegraph reported.

Former soccer star David Ginola and The X-Files star Gillian Anderson were also given the same treatment.

The film, which is part of a 10:10 climate change campaign, was posted online but withdrawn within hours after a barrage of outrage, especially from climate change sceptics.

Curtis, who is famous for sugar-sweet films such as Love Actually, Four Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill, is a big supporter of the campaign which aims to cut carbon emissions by 10 per cent.

A spokesman for the campaign organisers said: "We have discussed our decision with Richard and he is happy for the film to be withdrawn. We wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines while making people laugh.

“Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn't and we sincerely apologise to anybody we have offended. As a result we've taken if off our website."

This Video is an insight into the mindset of the Enviro NAZI's,Gore, Brown, Wong,Oakeshott,Windsor, Gillard,Combet,Turnbull,Rudd,Hussein Obama, the Clinton's to name but a few, no wonder Bin Laden has joined their Islamo Fascist Enviro Nazi cause, both cults /ideologies enjoy blowing up children and adults who disagree with their cults belief's.

Paedophiles of the mind, standing in front of every classroom,wearing the United Nations cloak of peace and understanding,Unionism,love and tolerance, whilst they busily go about infecting and intimidating our children with their sick perverted cult of "Anthropogenic Global Warming" and "All Cultures, Religions are equal" & “Multiculturalism” so long as its not Judeo Christian Western Democracy.
There was time when all school teachers wanted to was sexually abuse our children, now,bored with that, they want their minds as well.

Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also Demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming. Aussie News & Views Jan. 1 2009

OR ELSE !!!!!

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