

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Carnita Matthews : “Liar,liar Burqa’s on Fire, Muslim” back story.

Thankfully the attempt by Muslim Carnita Matthews to defame and slander a NSW Police Highway Patrol Officer has been seen for what it was all along, a racist, bigoted attack upon an Australian Police Officer by a member of the most reviled and disruptive Multicultural tribe /group in Australia.

Thankfully this liar and defamer,this bigoted,racist Muslim was sentenced to six months in jail for her wicked lies and deceit, she is out on bail at the time of writing, awaiting an appeal against the severity of the sentence.

I thought readers might like to be reminded, of how this appalling attempt, by this Muslim woman and her advisor,former Guantanamo Bay inmate Mamdouh Habib,started the ball rolling from day one when this story first broke.

Note the audio of Radio 2gb's Jason Morrison and his dogged determination to see that this appalling conspiracy to destroy this Police Officers career is uncovered and that he and his 2gb listenners will not let it simply go away until the conspirator /s are brought to justice.

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