

Friday, December 31, 2010

Aussies wounded in Afghanistan


As Australians celebrate New Years Eve 2010, please prey for these most special Australians who like hundreds of thousands before them have put their lives on the line in the service of their nation.

God Bless these Australian Warriors and please Lord bring them back to good health, and comfort their Families in this time of ultimate distress for them.

Two diggers wounded in Afghanistan

Daily Telegraph

December 31, 2010

TWO Australian soldiers working to secure an improvised explosive device location in Afghanistan have been wounded by an unknown shooter.

The Australian Defence Force said the first digger was wounded by "a single shot fired from an unknown location and direction" on Thursday at about 5.12pm.

The second was hit by the shooter a short time later while securing a landing zone for an aero medical evacuation.

Defence said in a statement that both soldiers were evacuated to the ISAF medical facility at Multi National Base Tarin Kowt, with one subsequently moved to Kandahar for further treatment.

Both soldiers are in a satisfactory condition in separate hospitals.

Their families have been notified.

"Medical staff will continue to monitor the soldiers' condition," Acting Chief of Joint Operations, Rear Admiral Ray Griggs said.

Defence would not release any further details because operations were continuing.

In 2010, 164 Australian soldiers have been wounded in action in Afghanistan.


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