

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Australia three Muslims guilty: “………religious decree to endorse the attack at the barracks and shoot as many people as possible until they were killed or overwhelmed, to advance Islam.”

Trio guilty of army base terror attack plan
Daily Telegraph
December 23, 2010 10:17AM
A VICTORIAN court has found three men guilty of planning a terrorist attack on an Australian army base in Sydney.
Another two men who also stood trial over the alleged planned attack have been found not guilty.
A Victorian Supreme Court trial, which has been running for three months, was told the five men planned a shootout at the Australian Army Barracks at Holsworthy in the belief Islam was under attack from the west.
 The jury heard the men took steps to obtain a religious decree to endorse the attack at the barracks and shoot as many people as possible until they were killed or overwhelmed, to advance Islam.
 Wissam Mahmoud Fattal, 34, of Melbourne, Saney Edow Aweys, 27, of Carlton North and Nayef El Sayed, 26, of Glenroy were found guilty of conspiring to prepare for or plan a terrorist act between February 1, 2009 and August 4, 2009.

The usual cabal of Strutting Muslim “Rats with a Gold tooth” exit our Courts surrounded by THEIR “Community Leaders” dribbling the usual Koran inspired Bull Shit.
The Australian Labor / Greens / “Independents” Coalition Union Funded Socialist Federal Government seems hell bent on importing into Australia as many of these Muslim Terrorists as it can, Australians are entitled to ask WHY?
How many Australians are The Australian Labor / Greens / “Independents” Coalition Union Funded Socialist Federal Government prepared to sacrifice on their alter of “Multiculturalism /all cultures Religions are equal” in order to achieve the Balkanization of Australia.

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