

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Australia: “Multicultural / Muslim outreach” Muslim Paedophile, Rapist,Mohamed Sabra,Sabra Limousines, pleads guilty to sexually assaulting a 14 year old girl.


Limo driver teen sex attack

The Sunday Telegraph

January 23, 2011

A 14-YEAR-OLD girl has been sexually assaulted by a limousine driver hired to ferry a group of teenage friends around Sydney after a late-night party at Bondi.

Copy of 23 1 2011 Limo driver teen sex attackThis brave son of allah, this swaggering Muslim RAT with a Gold Tooth,unrestrained under the Australian Labor Party’s filthy, putrid dead cat skin cloak of Multiculturalism. 

A Sydney court has heard the driver promised the girl she could ride to his next appointment to pick up rap star Kanye West and then plied her with alcohol.

After falling asleep on a back seat, the girl awoke to find the man, Mohamed Sabra, 34, of Bexley, fondling her breasts and performing oral sex on her, court documents allege.

Sabra, who owns Rockdale based Sabra Limousines, faced Sydney District Court on Friday after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting the girl in December 2008.

His victim, now 16, is the daughter of a prominent Sydney businessman, but neither can be named to protect her identity.

Agreed facts tendered at Sabra's sentencing submission hearing said the teen first met Sabra in November 2008 when a "family friend" arranged for him to drive her and a friend to the Rihanna-Chris Brown concert in Homebush.

On that occasion, the girl told Sabra she was 14-years-old, court documents said.

One month later she called his limo service and asked him to collect her and a group of friends from a party at Bondi where she had two alcoholic drinks.

In the limo, Sabra told the girl he "had an appointment to pick up singer Kanye West" who was touring Australia. The teen said she was a fan and the driver replied that she could "could go with him but there would not be enough room for her friends", court documents said.

She agreed and Sabra drove her to the Sydney CBD where she drank a Red Bull and vodka drink that he had poured in a champagne glass for her.

Sabra said he had a sore neck and asked the girl for a massage. She gave him a short massage and he started massaging her shoulders, court documents said. After waking during the alleged assault, the girl pushed Sabra away and said: "Why would you take advantage of me?", court documents said.

Sabra allegedly replied: "Why are you crying? If you didn't like it why didn't you stop me?"

The matter will return to court on January 28.

So what can be said ? it’s all been said before in Australia,England,Sweden,Denmark,France,Sudan,America,to name just a few, part of the Islamic agenda is to Rape and despoil their enemies “women” and girls at every opportunity or as the Muslim appointed “Grand Mufti of Australia” would say “Cat meat” there for the taking.

But hey think about all those Multicultural Restaurants,parades and tax payer funded “Harmony Days” you can go to .

Repatriate all Muslims from Judeo Christian Western Democracies NOW !!!!

Demand the right of return be enforced upon ALL Muslims NOW!!!

Identification + Internment + Repatriation to whatever Islamic shit hole these scum or their parents  / grand parents RAN AWAY from is the ONLY way to return Australia to the “Land of Oz”


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