

Friday, January 07, 2011

Australia to host 2015 (Islamic ?) “World Game”, AFC Asian Cup aka. Soccer.

7 1 2010 Muslim Soccer
After Australian soccer officials embarrassing display of brown nosing and Dhimmitude  par excellence,and donating millions of dollars to many of our Nations self declared enemies to buy votes, Australia’s “one world game” groupies finally landed a gig from their Muslim masters, the 2015 Asian Cup.
Q:Why were they successful ?
A: No other nation nominated to host it.
Frank Lowy

7 1 2011 Muslim Soccer 2
…..and how about that flashy Logo, gee the “World Game” represented by the Islamic Crescent how about that  ay whoda thunk it?
Why not the Jewish Star of David or the Christian Cross?

Maybe they will have amputation and stoning demonstrations at half time and as pre match entertainment.

There was a video here,and  for some strange reason it is no longer available,the video was sourced from the "Big Brother" "Children's network" the "shrink wrapped ideology to go " "no brain cells can be harmed through thought network" the Ten Network ,Sydney Australia.
This network is infamous for it's hard hitting politically correct, "Multiculturaly Leftist sensitive" news service.

A consolation aka. BOO BOO  prize for Australian Soccer

Gushing Politicians falling over themselves to claim some affinity with the “World Game” a game when it is played in Australia there are more spectators cheering for Australia’s opponents than there are cheering FOR the Australian team.
Imagine there’s NO ISLAM

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