

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Australia:Afghani immigrant threatens to kill daughter and himself …. hey how else do you regain “Honor”?


Another Golden Thread woven into the Australian Labor Party’s rich and diverse tapestry of Multiculturalism where ALL cultures and religions are equal.

Muslim teenage girl takes out AVO over clash of cultures

Katherine Danks
The Daily Telegraph

January 04, 2011

A MUSLIM girl caught between her religion, her parents and wanting to be a typical Aussie teenager is at the centre of an apprehended violence order against her father after he found she had a boyfriend.

Police were called to the family home after the man threatened to kill himself and the 14-year-old girl when he discovered the boy in a room of their home, Parramatta Bail Court heard yesterday.

The man, who cannot be named, allegedly told police the relationship was disrespectful to Muslim culture and brought shame on his family in the Afghan community.

The court heard he tried to detain the boy in the early hours of New Year's Day at the house in Blacktown.

The family called police because they were scared the father would kill the boy.

After police arrived, the man became enraged because they would not arrest the boy, who had been invited into the house by his daughter.

He said the boyfriend would be killed if the incident happened in Afghanistan, the country he and his wife had emigrated from in 1998.

"The accused then stated, as the boyfriend would not be going to jail, the only thing left to do was kill his daughter and himself," police said.

"The complainant is stuck between her religion, strict parents and wanting to be a typical Australian teenager."

Officers claimed that on October 27 the daughter ran away from home. Her father said he would kill himself if she did not return by sundown.

When she did not return, the father attempted to hang himself but was stopped by his wife and son.

"The daughter said she fears that her father will kill her because of her actions and that if he doesn't, she will be locked in the house unable to leave, unless he kills himself," police said.

Police took out an apprehended domestic violence order against the father on behalf of the girl. He was charged with stalking, intimidation with intent to cause fear of physical or mental harm.

The father, who is a qualified surgeon in Afghanistan but employed as a taxi driver in Sydney, was refused bail because of his threats against the girl and self-harm history.

The matter will be mentioned in Blacktown Local Court on January 12.


More “Cultural Enrichment”


Son slit dad's throat with stolen knife, court hears

Katherine Danks
The Daily Telegraph

January 04, 2011

A 37-YEAR-OLD slit his dad's throat after stealing a knife from a local department store, a court has been told.

John ElTurk, of Lansvale, allegedly attacked Sohail ElTurk as the 65-year-old man sat with friends and family inside his home in Hoxton Park, in Sydney's

south west, on Monday.
Police allege ElTurk stole a $25 kitchen knife from a Big W store at Carnes Hill between 12.30 and 12.45pm, then travelled to his relative's home.

At about 1.30pm, John ElTurk snuck up behind in Sohail ElTurk in his Tyringham Close home.

He allegedly cut his father's throat before fleeing the home, getting into his vehicle that was parked in the street outside.

Sohail ElTurk managed to drive himself to Liverpool Hospital where he underwent emergency surgery.
He remains in a serious but stable condition.

John ElTurk also drove to Liverpool Hospital where he was arrested by police. He was taken to Liverpool Police Station where he was charged with

attempted murder and larceny.

ElTurk did not apply for bail in Parramatta Bail Court yesterday, where the magistrate was told the defendant suffered serious mental health issues.

He was formally refused bail and ordered to undergo a mental health assessment, and will re-appear in Parramatta Local Court on January 13.


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