

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Allah is Dead “The focus of prayer and the object of pilgrimage and veneration is a black rock.”


“Allah is Dead – Why Islam is Not a Religion”

Why-Allah-is-Dead “In addition to being a hybrid, Islam is wholly materialistic. The Quran takes on an almost fetish character, where the book itself is “sacred,” not the contents. The focus of prayer and the object of pilgrimage and veneration is a black rock. The rewards for dying in the cause of Allah are completely material — virgins, food, and sensual ambiance. Finally, Islam is the only religion where territorial sovereignty is more important than the inner spiritual sovereignty over men’s hearts. Mankind and territory are divided between the world of “submission” and the world of “warfare.” Whereas Judeo-Christian religions focus on the righteousness of individuals, the emphasis in Islam is the collective –the ummah.”

Allah is Dead – Why Islam is not a Religion


Allah Is Dead: Why Islam is Not a Religion'>Buy the Book Here







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