

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Australia’s Ombudsman / Person / Mrs./ Miss./ ms. (enlightened being) Outraged over Illegal Entrant accommodation.

Whilst Australians fight for FOOD and sleep on the floor in Cyclone Yasi evacuation centers and wherever they can in the OPEN  in Queensland

Crowded house detention flaws

Simon Benson
The Daily Telegraph

February 03, 2011 12:00AM

THE Commonwealth Ombudsman will today hand down a scathing report into the Christmas Island detention centre.

During the two-year inquiry by Ombudsman Allan Asher's office, the number of detainees jumped from 32 to 2757.

"Christmas Island is overloaded," Mr Asher said in the report to be released today.

"There is little doubt resources have been sorely stretched as the facilities have sought to accommodate a continued increase in numbers.

"We remain concerned about timeliness in processing refugee applications, delays in security agency clearances and various health issues -

particularly those related to mental health."

While the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) was doing the best it could, the facility in its current form had become unsustainable:

"When Ombudsman staff first visited the Christmas Island immigration detention facilities in October, 2008, 32 people were detained there out of a

nominal operational capacity of 744.

"By the time this report was finalised, DIAC advised there were some 2757 people awaiting processing of claims, 2000 more than the facilities were

designed to accommodate."

The Ombudsman's recommendations included dramatically increasing mental health and general health services to the island. It also recommended

increased accommodation, education and recreation.

Australians are,as I write, fighting for food in Cyclone evacuation centers, sleeping on bare floors or under whatever shelter they can find out doors, I am sure these Illegal Entrants are unlike, those who pay taxes to support these illegals, well fed and are sleeping in warm beds.

Boo Fucking Hoo for Illegal Muslim Immigrants on CHRISTmas Island.

Mr Asher also called for community detention on mainland Australia for unaccompanied minors, families with children, and people who have received

positive assessments.

"Attempting to manage more [refugee applicants with] the existing level of resources potentially brings with it other problems," the report said.

Simple solution, a win win for Australians the Ombudsperson / Ombudsthingoh  and the illegal entrants, send the illegal Muslim entrants back to the Islamic Utopia they ran away from, that they demand be imposed upon Australia.

Problems solved !!!!!

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