

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Indonesian “Interfaith Harmony Week “ Celebrations continue with the burning down of some more Christian Churches, rioting and various acts of Islamic “outreach” to the infidel community.

The President of the United States,Hussein Obama, some three months ago, on a visit to  his childhood homeland,Indonesia, praised Indonesia for its
"spirit of religious tolerance" and that Indonesia is an "example to the world"
You gotta love the guy ay, Nothing to see here … move along.

Protesters riot in central Java town
Daily Telegraph
February 08, 2011 6:22PM
HUNDREDS of protesters have gone on a rampage in a town in central Java, burning down churches and schools and clashing with police in response to a sentence request from the prosecution in a blasphemy trial.
The violence first erupted in the Temanggung District Court yesterday when the prosecution requested a sentence of five years for Antonius Richmond Bawengan, accused of insulting Islam in relation to the distribution of flyers and books.
At least three Christian churches, as well schools, had been burnt down by the early afternoon.
Tear gas was used to disperse the crowd, but sporadic clashes between protesters and police were still erupting shortly after 1pm (5pm AEDT).
Bawengan is accused of distributing books and flyers in October last year which described the Black Stone, or al-Hajaru-l-Aswad, on the Kaaba in the Grand Mosque in Mecca as looking like a woman's genitals.
The material also described the jamarat, three stone pillars in the city of Mina just east of Mecca which worshippers thrown stones at during the Haj, as looking like a man's genitals.
Bawengan, who has been in custody since October 26, has also been accused of describing Islam as a cruel religion.
The crowd initially demanded he be handed over when the sentence request was delivered, but Bawengan was lead away from the court under heavy security.
Shortly afterwards, the protesters trashed the courtroom before attacking Christian buildings, including churches and schools.
Thank God it’s Indonesian “Interfaith Harmony Week” who knows what might have happened otherwise.Aheem, well there was this little incident two days ago where the followers of “One of the Worlds Great Religions” (Hussein Obama) “Islam has been a civilizing force throughout the world” (Hussein Obama) and  those  old stand bys “Islam means Peace” “The Religion of Peace” (any pig ignorant Liberal Leftist apologist and facilitator for the “Religion of Peace”) who got a little burr in their saddle and thought they should share some “Interfaith dialogue” “outreach” with some members of another branch of the “Religion of Peace”
A video is worth a thousand words.
Indonesian “Harmony Week” goes wild,3 months after US President Barack Obama praised Indonesia’s "spirit of religious tolerance" as an "example to the world" on a recent visit to his former childhood homeland + Video
WARNING !!!!!! Indonesian Islamic “Interfaith Harmony Week” Celebrations in Progress.
You Tube did not want you to see this, I have been banned that’s why You Tube (Google)videos no longer work on my site, If my Blogs name was “Kill all Jews and Infidels now” and I was applauding the Satanic actions depicted in the following video and invoking Jihad in the name of the allah thingo everything would be ok with You Tube (Google) but because I am against the wholesale slaughter of men women and children in the name of this allah thing,I am banned by You Tube (Google).Unlike, Good Pious Muslims, I do not accept that my destiny is predetermined and like any other child of God I will work on a solution to You Tube’s Google’s censorship.

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