

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Intend on visiting France ? best to stay off public transport

Hey next time you are on a bus or train in some Western Judeo Christian Democracy that has imposed Multiculturalism and the “all cultures, Religions are equal ideology” upon you,just ask yourself why your elected officials and “progressive all wise all knowing beautiful people”,insist on importing into YOUR Judeo Christian Western Democracy, people who believe in the following.
The  Multiculturalist sitting next to you, may be silent and simply be behaving like any other citizen of your country travelling on a bus,train,tram,ferry or aeroplane, but what are they thinking about the infidel sitting next to them, YOU, your wife, your son, daughter,Mother,Father,brother,sister,niece, nephew ?
What is really going through their mind ? well as this video shows when there is enough of them on a bus they enunciate what they think via their “Multicultural” invocation to their Moon God allah.


Now how’s that “Harmony Day Festival” doing it for you ?

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