

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oprah Winfrey wants “respect” for US President Hussein Obama,Is that before or after Hussein demonstrates some respect for America and Americans, or is it just another Islamic DEMAND placed upon Judeo Christian Western Civilization ?


Does Oprah mean the sort of respect afforded to President GW Bush during his two terms as President of the United States of America by her side of politics / ideology ?


Oprah Winfrey (l) and Hussein Obama (r)

Well, if the President and his wife,purposefully and deliberately demonstrate he and his family and administration have no respect for his new found office or the United States (all 57 of them), why should the vast overwhelming majority of the American people show respect toward him ?

Respect is EARNED,it cannot be  not given upon DEMAND or by THREAT of retribution for refusing to give it.

Something Socialists,Communists,Islamist,Fascists and Despots the world over have never understood. 

Respect this America!!!obama-bowing-down President Hussein Obama (left,bending over) seen here reporting to head office.


Former Labor Socialist Australian Prime Minister of Australia, Bob Hawke, said of his Labor Socialist successor Paul Keating, that he was the first Australian PM who hated Australians, upon Hussein Obama,showing his true colours AFTER he was elected, I thought of the now ex Australian PM Hawke and his comments re Keating.

I am sure, upon reflection, many many Americans would say, that they have, resident in the highest office in the land, a self described “community organizer”  Americans could rightfully ask of Hussein Obama “well we know who is paying you (the US Taxpayer) but who are you working for, Oprah?

obama.bow.Akihito.big_pic (1)

As an Australian,an Australian, MY soldiers, my fellow Australians before me, were starved to death, “sliced and diced” at the will of some Japanese sociopath, flogged and abused, decapitated, tortured,this demonstration of subservience to a foreign power, by the “leader” of the United States of America is not only revolting,sickening and demeaning to all that is good in the world,it demonstrates the Offenders, Hussein Obama’s, total unsuitability for the office he soils every day he occupies it.

But don’t forget Oprah wants you to RESPECT IT……..or else what?


dressed-obama-photo-flapIdentification +Internment+Deportation to an “Islamic Utopia” of their choosing = an America / Free Western Judeo Christian civilization,free of Islamic fifth columnist 

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