

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Australia : No CO2 Tax Protest Canberra 23 3 2011

NO CO2 TAX Protest outside Australia’s Parliament House 23 3 2011.
Around 3500 to 4000 people attended on a mid week working day from all over Australia.
A Labor Party Politician and Anthropogenic Global Warming Collaborationist, from South Australia described the people you will see below as
EXTREMISTS,a good example of the Left calling their enemy, what in fact they themselves are.

Channel Seven gave the best coverage of the event.
Whilst the Australian Labor Party’s head cheer leader Laurie Oakes on the Nine Network unable to contain his contempt for the average Australian who dares to not subscribe to the left medias political loyalties.

What’s a Carbon Tax and what’s wrong with it?

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