

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Australia, Islamic Menace :No Arabic for YOU!!!!!!….. Muslim KILLER.


Killer Hamzy's Arabic ban remains

The Daily Telegraph

March 12, 2011

12 3 2011 Killer Hamzy's Arabic ban remains

Remember Australians,that if you agree with the decision of the NSW Supreme Court you are an Islamophobe, Racist, Redneck and obviously Ignorant of Islam and the “Peace” it brings.

CONVICTED killer Bassam Hamzy will not be allowed to speak Arabic in the state's Supermax jail and will remained banned from the general prison population following a Supreme Court decision yesterday.

Hamzy argued in a Supreme Court hearing last year that banning him from communicating in his native tongue was discriminatory and that he should be allowed to return to the general prison population.

The 32-year-old also believed it was unfair he was being kept in isolation for 23 hours a day without a segregation order being made under the Crimes Act and had been ordered to speak and write only in English.

Corrective Services said Hamzy's arrangements were not because of discrimination, but for "the purpose of the care, control or management of the inmate or group of inmates".

"[Hamzy] contested the Notice of Motion unsuccessfully," Justice Peter Johnson said in his decision to dismiss the claim yesterday.


Whilst I have no inside information, I bet that Ron Woodham, boss of NSW Prisons, had a part in this prosecution,he is what Australia needs as PM, to defend Australia from the ever increasing Islamic Menace that Australia faces daily.

He ensured that the effete “Pious Muslim” Bilal Skaf, leader of Sydney’s “Occupied Territories” (South Western Sydney),Muslim rape gang’s,was made aware of who did run his prison system upon his arrival and been placed into the care of the NSW Prisons, according to Ron, Bilal tends to cry whenever he is brought to heel.

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