

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Who IS shooting up the Auburn Hindu Temple ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,Must be those crazy Judeo Christian Country Women’s association members on the rampage again in Dodge City.

Extract below from the Islamic Friendship Associations, Keysar Trad where he describes Hindu’s as “these cow worshippers” in his now famous Koran inspired article “Racism an Islamic Response “

This article was published in the 16th issue of Nida'ul Islam magazine (, December - January 1996-97]

Racism, an Islamic Response

“India, the Asian country which is dominated by the lowest of the low amongst
racists, the class society which divides its own people into four classes and
places people of other faiths, and Muslims in particular as the lowest of the low.
The policies of these cow worshippers, and their extermination of Muslims in their
countries and inside Kashmir (to the silence of Western countries) is one more
example of how this feeling of elitism is not restricted to the colour of the
elitist, it is a lifestyle of those idiots who have intoxicated themselves with a
false feeling of power, and who actively exercise this power against others.”

Full article available HERE where the the reader will be informed of what this, Koran inspired Racist tome,reveals of the belief’s a Pious and Holy Muslim writer, community leader,former Taxation Office Official, indeed the Australian Left and their MSM apologists, “Go to man” on all things concerning, what they demand Australians believe is a “Religion of Peace” and it’s views on the many Races and Religions of the world.

Yeah I know Keysar, even though you wrote it you were misquoted, that goes without saying blah blah blah, It’s just like the Koran it can mean anything you want it to mean at any given time depending on what atrocity you and your co religionists are trying to dismiss,defend, spin away at any given point in time under the excuse of “All Cultures, Religions,Behaviors” are equal, yatta yatta yatta blah blah blah blah.

I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR AM I IMPLYING Mr Trad shot up the Hindu Temple in question.


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