

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Q Society : has Australia finally spawned a truly genuine anti “Islamic Colonization of Australia” organization ?

Has Australia hit the jackpot with this group? I like what I see & hear so far.
Please go to this groups web site, and if you agree support them, while you still can. 

9 3 2011 Q Society


The biggest problem Muslims have is that their opponents are NOT IGNORANT , if they were they would be unchallenged and able to go about their Koran dictated implementation of Islamic Colonization of the West.
When these front men and women for Satan spew their Koran inspired “Multicultural Industry” sponsored, denials of treachery and affirmations of “Islam is a Religion of Peace” the two faced deception of the Islamist is all so obvious, that’s why 5/6ths of the EARTHS population has rejected outright the Filth that is Islam.
If we were IGNORANT we would be SILENT.
Knowledge  is power.
Now piss off back to whatever Islamic shit hole it was you,your parents or Grand parents RAN AWAY FROM.

halal warning (1) “This is what we believe should go on every retail product that contains halal-certified materials. We estimate two-third of chicken and lamb as well as half of the beef in Australia is now slaughtered to comply with Islamic Sharia dietary rules. When the self-proclaimed "community leaders" of two (2) per cent of the population can impose medieval religious dietary laws onto everyone else, and even make consumers pay for their halal-certification schemes, something is seriously wrong.
Our information and lobby campaign for mandatory labelling of all halal-certified products will begin in April.


Position Papers and Statements

With our "Q on:..." papers we offer information concerning our position on a number of issues, as well as views and facts concerning both the open and concealed strategies of Islamisation. We address what we believe to be missconceptions about Islam and Islamism, and respond to questions we hear frequently in discussions and campaigns. Please write to us, if you believe we have not adressed an issue you think is important. Likewise if you think we have made a factual mistake -- and can substantiate your counter point.

Q on: Why we oppose Islam for Australia

Q on: Islamic Finance or Sharia-compliant Finance

Q on: Halal Food and Halal Certification

Q on: Stealth or Civilisational Jihad

Please feel free to onforward or hand printed copies of our "Q on..." leaflets to family, friends and relations. All we ask of you is to use the leaftlets "as is" and not make any changes.”

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