

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Australia Great White in knee deep water as children play on sand

At my beach,no further than 15 miles from the Sydney Harbour Bridge, as a child and teenage surfer,we often saw not one or two BIG Sharks in the shallows, or on the wrong side of the sand bar, but at times up to a dozen or more would come in from the south weaving their way towards the northern end searching for anything of interest on either side of the sand bar until they reached the northern point then would swing out to sea and continue their hunting expedition north or out to sea.
So many times we came so close to providing a Tiger Shark,Bull Shark, Hammer Head or Bronze Whaler with a leg or arm or maybe all of us for dinner.
The Great Whites seemed to stay further out to sea, my brothers and other friends had many a close encounter with Great Whites whilst they were engaged in training further out to sea.
How I wish I had of had a video camera or digital still camera  back in my youth. I have seen many fins and tails slicing through the water since then and a onetime heart stopper where I was swimming out to sea from the beach and upon looking up to check my directions I saw no further than 20 feet ahead of me a dorsal fin passing  at right angles to me, fortunately the rocks were close by on my right, needless to say I made a hard right and was out of there.
I heard this on the radio recently, Q. Why do sharks circle around you before they attack? A. It’s to scare the shit out of you before they eat you .

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