

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Australia: Madame JuLIAR Gillard agrees to pay protection Money to Islamic Savages so they “wont hurt us”

Government extends $1.1 million in anti-terror grants

Matt Johnston
Herald Sun

April 02, 2011

HamasPeople BIG brother-style community programs and interfaith projects at schools could get up to $100,000 from the Government to help stop violent extremism in Australia.

A new round of anti-terror grants open today because of concerns about potential attacks in Australia, the Herald Sun reported.

The Government's community resilience program has already doled out $1.1 million for youth-specific projects, including where young Muslims are hand-picked to divert people "at-risk" of extremism.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland said terror was still a real concern in Australia, and "overwhelming interest" in the Government's youth mentor program meant the new round of funding was necessary. "Communities have told us that they are prepared to play a more active role in countering violent extremism," Mr McClelland said.

"The new program will focus on activities that support individuals away from intolerant and radical ideologies and encourage positive participation in the community."

Organisations could get grants of $5000 to $100,000 to run community-based projects in Australian cities.

Potential projects include:

LEADERSHIP training to improve social and economic opportunities.

BIG brother schemes to help people at risk.

COMMUNITY forums to promote inclusion.

INTERFAITH education programs in schools or universities.

Applications close at the end of April and new programs would start from July 1.


Thank you Madame  Ju LIAR for the $1.1Million,Remember we are a Religion of Peace.

Documents show there is still a real threat of terror attacks on Australian soil, and that action is needed to try to ward off extremism.

"A small number of Australians hold extreme beliefs ... and some of these individuals may be committed to supporting or engaging in acts of terrorism," the documents say. "It is therefore important that all Australians work together to reject ideologies that promote violence."

Mr McClelland said strong communities were integral to stopping extremism.

"Effective community engagement is a key component of the Government's approach to building a stronger and more resilient community that can resist violent extremism," he said.


Survivors of the recent Queensland Floods and Cyclone, are still sleeping under the stars, Victorians are still homeless following the floods in Victoria,yet this Socialist Bitch,Madame JuLIAR Gillard hands out Australian Tax Payers money to these Godless savages so as they wont start killing Australians on our home soil.

The Rudd Gillard Socialist Union Funded Labor Government has imported into Australia via their people smuggler connections, in excess of 10,500 illegal entrants into Australia since the Rudd Government took office in 2007, the majority of these illegal entrants are Muslims.

Once here these vermin demand money in exchange for not acting like Muslims ie not Killing Infidels aka.Australians.

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