

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Australia: The Serpents Tongue spoken by 1 in 8 Multicultural “Australians”

Arabic commonly spoken among Aussie kids

The Telegraph

April 14,2011

ABOUT one in eight Australian children speaks Arabic at home, a study shows.

New data has been released by the federal Department of Education providing a snapshot into the early development of children.

It found Arabic to be the most commonly spoken language other than English at home, with 11.8 per cent of children conversing in this tongue with their parents.

Vietnamese was next on 8.4 per cent, followed by Greek (4.3 per cent).

Chinese languages are also widely spoken, with 3.7 per cent of Australian kids speaking Mandarin, slightly outnumbering Cantonese (3.6 per cent).

Hindi, a language common in India, was the tongue of 3.2 per cent of kids.

The Australian Early Development Index study surveyed the teachers of 47,000 children about the language their pupils spoke at home.

It found 12.8 per cent of children had English as a second language.


Thanks to the Australian Council of Trade Union’s funded Australian Labor Party for importing these BARBARIANS into OUR Country.

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