

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Islamic Marriage Counseling: Malaysian men have extramarital sex because of "wives who neglect their responsibilities" to their husbands.

Men have affairs because wives neglect their responsibilities, MP tells parliament


April 8, 2011 - 6:40AM

The Silver Tongued Islamic “Pants Man” Ibrahim Ali.

Ibrahim Ali Malaysian men have extramarital sex because of "wives who neglect their responsibilities" to their husbands, a Malaysian MP has told his country's parliament, outraging women's groups.

"Husbands driving home after work see things that are sexually arousing and go to their wives to ease their urges," said independent lawmaker Ibrahim Ali, according to online portal Malaysiakini.

"But when they come home to their wives, they will say, 'wait, I'm cooking,' or 'wait, I'm getting ready to visit relatives'," Ibrahim said.

"In Islam, wives are supposed to stop everything to fulfil their husband's demands."

Ali heads Perkasa, a right-wing Malay nationalist group, seeking to protect ethnic Malay dominance in politics.

His strident comments came as he asked about plans by the government's religious development department to educate wives on their responsibilities.

Wives "failing in their duties" pushed men to go to "private places to satisfy their urges", he said.

An aide to the lawmaker has confirmed the remarks but has declined further comment.

His comments have prompted fury among women's groups in a nation with a growing sex industry and a problem with human trafficking.

Women's Aid Organisation chief Ivy Josiah said Ibrahim's comments were unacceptable for a parliamentarian.

"I am appalled as he equates women to being a sex toy and what is worse is that he uses religion to try and justify his position," she said.

"The comments not only show that Ibrahim Ali is a Malay supremacist but a male supremacist as well."

Rights group Tenaganita, which monitors issues of human trafficking and abuse, said such sentiments were one of the causes of human trafficking in the country.

"Because people like Ibrahim Ali believe it is their right to get sex anytime from their wives, or otherwise seek it from elsewhere, that's why you have a growing sex industry and we see such human trafficking cases," senior coordinator Aegile Fernandez said.

Last March, the government launched a national plan against human trafficking as the country moved to quash its image as a transit point for traffickers.

With one of Asia's largest populations of foreign labour, Malaysia relies on illegal and legal migrants to work as domestic servants in plantations and factories and to service the local sex industry.

Malaysian lawmakers also clashed with women's groups last month after a government parliamentarian claimed women were "slow" at the wheel and "oblivious" on the roads.


You see Bitch,they Gang Rape you it’s YOUR fault,They cheat on you it’s YOUR fault,They cut off your ears and nose it’s YOUR fault,They hack off your Clitoris and sew up your vagina and it’s YOUR fault, They throw Acid in your face it’s YOUR fault,They bury you  up to your neck in dirt and bash out your brains out with “Holy Koran” approved stones and it’s YOUR fault.

Is there anything that a Muslim Man male IS responsible for ? born into a life of “allah made me do it” what a pathetic collective sack of shit the Islamic male population is.


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