

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Australia: “Insider” dumps a load, on Asylum seekers massive use of Condoms in MALE only Detention Centres

Starving Middle Eastern “Refugees” prepare for “processing” after illegally entering Australian Sovereign Territory,and been “escorted” onto Australian soil by officials.

Sydney's number one rating mid morning radio show host,2GB's Ray Hadley,dropped a bombshell on his show (April 20) reveling he had been contacted by an “insider” at the illegal entrant detention center at I believe he said was Christmas Island.

The Insider claims that the detainee's are demanding and receiving large numbers of Condoms.

What’s the big deal I hear you say, well the vast overwhelming majority of illegals are male.

You see they abandoned their wives, children and presumably  girlfriends, leaving them to fend for themselves from the manifestations of Islam in the various Middle Eastern / Islamic countries they ran away from.

In the instance referred to by the insider, the inmate population is 400 males only, what do they want condoms for ?

Well unfortunately a lot of “unaccompanied “ young boys are mixed in amongst the inmates, and are reportedly been used by older stronger males in the same way young boys are used for homosexual sexual acts in many of the Islamic countries they ran away from. See Videos below titled “Islamic Boy Love in Pakistan” and “Warlords Tune 12&3”

This, added to reports of  Illegal Muslim entrants throwing women and girls off boats on their way to Italy so as to make them “less crowded and less dangerous” as reported by Bare Naked Islam,will send alarm bells ringing for  any Australian or other citizen of a Judeo Christian Western Democracy these illegal entrants are flooding into, as they abandon the manifestations of their Islamic Religion and its Social and Cultural depravities, or that’s the spin they spin, however, it appears that old cultural and religious customs die hard, and they are demanding the right to continue their vile putrid Religious and social customs in Australia.

Australia Lock up your Sons ?    Aussie, Aussie News & Views.


Islamic Boy Love in Pakistan 

Warlords Tune

Australia: Koranimals / Middle Eastern Insurgents, destroy Villawood Detention Centre and demand “more respect”


Sydney: “Laser (Jihad ?) strikes three passenger jets landing at Sydney International Airport


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