

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Australia:Is this Madame Gillard’s worst example of rubbing her party’s and her UN Masters SHIT into the face of the Australian people?

Is this the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) funded, Australian Labor Party /Green Loon / "Independents" Minority Coalition Government's worst example of their rubbing their United Nations masters  SHIT in the faces of Australians?

Is this just a case of these Arse Clowns been so totally emboldened by their own tax payer funded publicity machines, their ABC / SBS, and main stream media sychophantry,that they really DO believe we are STUPID and will put up with any type of abuse, no matter how treacherous or dangerous their actions are for the sovereign state of Australia and Australians?

Do these Arse Clowns really think Australians will gladly freeze or starve to Death in the Dark, with their children and parents so that this Socialist Coalition of ACTU funded United Nations subservient LOONS, can strut the world stage boasting to anyone who will listen ,of their Multicultural, Internationalist credentials,whilst Australia and its people lies in ruins,reduced to the level of the rest of the UN's FOURTH world jewels in their crown? a place where the Socialist, ACTU,Green Loon,"Independents" elites, live off the proceeds of the UN imposed Serfdom of the Australian people?

Do these mad ACTU funded, Socialist Labor, Green Loon Sociopaths,Main Stream Media “Beautiful People Darlings” and their "Independent" bedfellows really think that Australians are going to allow them to get away with this?

Yes, they do, because so far they have,and if we don’t act soon, they WILL.

The score board reads as follows: ACTU Funded JuLIAR Gillard led Socialist  Labor, Green Loon,”Independent” Sociopaths 100/100, Australians 0

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