

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Australia: Multicultural inquiry stirs emotions in Melbourne.Muslims demanding ,demanding oh and of course demanding….. as is their want.Australian Jewry offers solutions for problems predominantly caused by Islamic insurgency / colonization.

The Jewish submission to Australia’s Multicultural inquiry:

“The Executive Council Of Australian Jewry has also made a submission to the federal multiculturalism inquiry wanting a

strengthened test of so-called 'Australian values' for all immigrants.

"That's something that has to be earned. Australian citizenship is an honour and a responsibility - it's not something to be

given away lightly," Executive Director Peter Wertheim says.

The council says all new arrivals should be scrutinised closely for attitudes it feels are unacceptable.   

"Regardless of their religious or cultural background, if they're involved in promoting violent or racist or totalitarian

ideology they're not fit subjects for citizenship"

 Muslims demanding, demanding and demanding solutions funded by Australians for Muslims, whilst Jews offered solutions for AUSTRALIA to the problems created by MUSLIM insurgents colonizing Australia via the hoax of Multiculturalism
Islam / Muslims can only exist as an OPPRESSIVE Majority or as a DISRUPTIVE Minority.
Sharia Law Demand from “Moderate Muslim Community Leader” in Australia
Australia,Sydney’s Occupied Territories,Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon hails the deaths of Australian Soldiers in Afghanistan



Multicultural inquiry stirs emotions in Melbourne

By Luke Waters
World News Australia Reporter

18 May 2011  06:35:57 PM

The Federal Government's inquiry on multiculturalism has been told that it should give more support to key aspects of

Islamic life, such as mosques, schools and its food.

But the inquiry has sparked a call from a leading Jewish organisation for all new arrivals to demonstrate an acceptance of

what it calls 'Australian values'.

Turkish born Huseyein Yazaci is the second generation proprietor of Melbourne's first ever Halal butchery.

He's considered opening a second store in an outer suburb, but says it's still cost prohibitive and would need to form part

of a co-ordinated expansion.  

"You have to have all those things over there, like Mosques or Islamic schools or Islamic shops," says Mr. Yazaci.

That's precisely what the Federation Of Islamic Councils is proposing, they say the muslim community is driven to the

very "enclaves" which often draw criticism.

"There has been instances where we have applied on good planning grounds for a mosque or a school to be built in certain

areas that those facilities are not approved and certain road-blocks are put in," Iqbal Patel from the Federation of Islamic

Councils told SBS.

The proposal is gaining support in Melbourne's multiculural north, with residents saying there's no reason why they

shouldn't be integrated.

Mr Patel is even encouraging  Australian governments to consider some funding for islamic-oriented infrastructure.
"If you don't like the Muslim community to live in enclaves, or for that matter any community,  then allow for those

services to be opened up in areas out of these so-called enclaves."

The Executive Council Of Australian Jewry has also made a submission to the federal multiculturalism inquiry wanting a

strengthened test of so-called 'Australian values' for all immigrants.

"That's something that has to be earned. Australian citizenship is an honour and a responsibility - it's not something to be

given away lightly," Executive Director Peter Wertheim says.

The council says all new arrivals should be scrutinised closely for attitudes it feels are unacceptable.   

"Regardless of their religious or cultural background, if they're involved in promoting violent or racist or totalitarian

ideology they're not fit subjects for citizenship"

The federal inquiry is continuing to receive submissions.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I can't believe this is even being considered and being looked into by our Federal government. Next stop, Sharia Law...

    Aussies are too ignorant or naive to do anything to stop Muslims as it seems. It's quickly becoming too late.
