

Friday, May 20, 2011

Australia: Affirmative Action Socialist Star Chamber drops charges of Manslaughter against Australian Soldiers, but still one Digger to go.

This is not he end of this story the Labor Governments Star Chamber still has the right of appeal and will no doubt be considering every opportunity to do so.They are also able to press lesser charges against these two Australian Hero’s in order to carve a few notches into their belts in order to justify their existence and what many Australian Taxpayers would describe as exorbitant pay checks.
There is one more Australian Soldier,Digger, who is yet to be shafted by Labor’s Muslim Friendly Leftist Star Chamber, he was involved in the same incident.
Australia’s Tax Payer funded Multicultural TV and Radio network has invested much of it’s funding “exposing” these Australian Soldiers, much to the delight, no doubt of their Labor Party masters.

The Back Story here  From the Australian Taxpayer Funded “Multicultural / Ethnic” TV and Radio Media Network SBS

The Australian Taxpayer funded SBS, Multicultural /Ethnic TV Radio Broadcasting Network, is always there doing the bidding of Australia’s enemies, along with their ex ABC “journalists” as if the ABC staff was not far enough LEFT Muslim friendly, you had to seek refuge in the sheltered workshop of the SBS sheltered workshop in order to survive.
The Clown Negus,in the first Video has since joined the Commercial TEN Network with a show of his own broadcast at 6 pm nightly following the Ten News, to say that his ratings are low is to praise him.
The point the ONLY point re this post is that Australian Soldiers have been charged with DEFENDING themselves from the Muslim Taliban Terrorist Enemy in Afghanistan.
The Australian Labor Party and it’s “Affirmative Action /Emilys List” appointed Prime Minister, Julia Gillard are always there when a DEAD Australian Soldier is brought home in a BOX, Madame Gillard and her fellow Labor Comrades are always there at the funerals of Australia’s finest but somehow are also there in the back ground ensuring as many of Australia’s finest are only able to fight Australia’s enemies with both hands tied behind their backs or be prosecuted for NOT been KILLED by their Islamist / Multicultural Terrorist New Best Friends.
No Labor Party, Australian Council of Trade Unions member should EVER be permitted to attend ANY  Australian Armed Services (RSL ANZAC Day) Memorial Service for one reason and one reason only,and that is that both these organizations have supported, ideologically and monetarily THE ENEMY, those who Australia’s finest have been fighting against, through World War Two, Korea, the Malayan Crisis and most notably, Vietnam where the Australian Labor Party and their financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions openly supported the Communist North Vietnamese with Financial,Propaganda and Sabotage of Australian Troops supplies .
This Muslim Terrorist Friendly Star Chamber set up and maintained by the Union, Get Up Funded Australian Labor Party, is the Communist , sorry Labor Party’s, 2011 equivalent of their past BETREYAL of Australia.
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (Boasts?) one distinction that ONLY the ACTU and it’s Members can claim and that is, they are the ONLY Australians who have had the honour of been the TARGETS of Australian troops returning from the Kakoda Track in  New Guinea during World War Two as they walked down the gang planks 303’s loaded and shouldered and aimed at and faced these Labor Party financiers, the Water Side Workers Union CUNTS who with held supplies and ammunition from them and their fallen Soldiers whilst they fought hand to had with the Japanese in New Guinea  in order to ensure WW2 was running according to Union Rules aka. A COMMUNIST Outcome.
Australian Socialist Labor Government to try Australian Soldiers for manslaughter !!!!

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