

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Ok so Hussein Obama says Bin Laden is dead, so what? what’s changed? if Hussein Obama told me the sun set in the west I would double check for myself before I accepted his word on anything.

I do hope the “Beautiful People’s”, the lefts, the “progressives” modern day Che ,Islamic Sociopath of choice,Osama Bin Laden, is indeed dead, and if we can believe the reports of his final resting place, he is, as I write been devoured and torn apart by Deep Sea Pig Fish,Infidel Sharks, Infidel Barracuda,Deep Sea Bacon Rashes,Pig Seamen Fish,Sea Worms,Deep Sea Used Tampon Fish,Deep Sea Menstrating Woman Fish,Prawns,Sea Snails and any number of Gods Sea creatures who are hungry enough to lower themselves to feel the need to rip off a piece of this Godless Muslim swine’s hide, have a few chews then regurgitate it so as it will float to the surface to be consumed by Seagulls and Ocean going Flying Pigs.

Commiserations to Australia’s David Hicks and his co accused Habib and your Australian Celebrity and Taxpayer Funded Media Cheer squad on the reported demise of your “Islamic Terrorist / Sociopath Go To Man”

For those celebrating on the streets and doing their best impersonations of the now infamous “Muslim Rage Boy’s”  forget it, it IS good, if it is true, that this piece of Koran Inspired Sociopath Shit is indeed DEAD,however according to his and his fellow co religionists and their leftist progressive Liberal apologists that means that there is still only around a BILLION, plus or minus a few hundred thousand of these Koran Inspired Islamic Sociopaths we have to worry about.

Islam’s most senior apologist and public relations officer is no less than the President of the United States of America, Hussein Obama, who said today that Osama Bin Laden did not represent Islam, so the son of a Muslim educated in the worlds most populace Muslim Nation,Indonesia, who says that the sound of the call to Islamic prayer is the finest / most beautiful sound anyone could hear, does not believe that Bin Laden represented Islam…. well, now that Hussein Obama says Bin Laden is Dead I guess he has to / can to say that…….So the Koran does LIE Hussein?

I will, tomorrow, check the Catholic / Jewish/ Anglican/Protestant/ Baptist /Hindu Churches Religious Calenders, for the commencement of their respective “Fighting Seasons” you see, the Islamic Fighting Season is about to start in Afghanistan and Islam’s finest Sociopaths, Pious Muslims, from all around the world including the USA,UK Europe,are about to descend upon Pakistan and Afghanistan and do their Koran dictated duty and start slaying Coalition US, Canadian, UK and Australian Soldiers “wherever they find them” in whatever way they can.

Bin Laden, DEAD or alive is NOT the Problem,Islam IS the DISEASE, Bin Laden and his fellow co “Religionists” and apologists are simply infected by the DISEASE, a disease spread by Islamic state run institutionalized ignorance and financed by Satan.

Bin Laden,Adolf Hitler,Mohammed,Stalin,Mao,Che,Mussolini,Nicolae Ceausescu, Castro,allah,Poll Pot,Charles Manson,Ted Bundy to mention but a few of Lucifer’s prodigy will always be with us in some shape or form.

The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance

Bin Laden’s Dead ? yeah ok, NEXT!!!!!!!!

OBL: “I can be eliminated, but not my mission.”


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